
SONDER COFFEE / Decaf Colombia | Mujeres Del Huila

Decaf Colombia | Mujeres Del Huila


A creamy, rich chocolate body with sweetness of toffee and a mild fruit finish of cherry and blood orange.

Mujeres Del Huila Decaf
Precooperativa Flor Blanca | Huila, Columbia
Washed EA Decaf Process
1200-2000m | Castillo, Catura, Columbia Variety

Precooperativa Flor Blanca is made up of twelve subgroups from the Huila region and represents over 1,500 women from over 30 municipalities. Their mission is to support smallholder coffee and cacao producers by leveraging their collective size to gain access to international markers. Their program works alongside the National Federation of Coffee Growers to identify and organize groups of women producers and award a premium for coffees that may otherwise end up in larger blends, and provide other resources such as free or at-cost fertilizers to participating producers from their organic composting facility.

Imported by Cafe Imports
Handroasted by SONDER Coffee in Denver, Colorado.
